Unraveling Sofia Smallstorm's Video on Sandy Hook, Part 2
by Deanna Spingola
February 18, 2014
My RBN radio Program on Part 1 and 2 of this critique
My AFP program, Part 1 (no longer available)
My AFP program, Part 2 (no longer available)

Email Deanna

The Firehouse, the Staging Area for the ICS

The first arriving unit at the scene or even a dispatcher, based on the information available from people who call an emergency number, such as 9-1-1, may declare a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI). Initially, the senior paramedic at the scene will take charge until an agency officer establishes an Incident Command System (ICS) in order to direct every aspect of the incident. The ICS is known as the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and under FEMA is the pattern for the management of incidents. ICS became a national model for command structures at fires, crime scenes or major incidents. In 2003, the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) went national with the passage of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD5) requiring all federal, state, and local agencies to know and use the NIMS to manage emergencies in order to receive federal funding. The NIMS came about as a direct result of September 11, 2001. One critical component to the success of an ICS is strategically placing resources where they need to be. Incoming units approaching a scene without guidance cause chaos and confusion. The most efficient method is to initially place resources and incoming apparatus in a staging area away from the scene from which they can respond as necessary. This grouping of resources can then be assigned to fill needs in an orderly fashion. Even before 9/11, staging, such as at Columbine was positioned adjacent and not at the MCI. Page ten of the Report of the State’s Attorney, stated that there were fifteen children in classroom #8, fourteen were already deceased; they transported one surviving child from classroom #8 to the Danbury Hospital, who they soon pronounced dead. Only one child survived from classroom #8. They found five children in classroom #10, four of them were already deceased and they transported the surviving child to the hospital, who was pronounced dead. All together, first responders found eighteen children and six staff members, all deceased, within the school and two children who they pronounced dead at Danbury Hospital. Two other staff members were injured and were treated at nearby hospitals.

Mobile Command Center
The large vehicle is the Mobile Command Center; Sandy Hook
Elementary School 12/14/2012 (Associated Press /Julio Cortez)


More than two hundred and sixty five people have been killed in multiple death armed attacks since the Littleton, Colorado Columbine High School shootings in 1999 through the recent armed attack at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

An MCI may involve a variety responders and agencies including:
1) Certified first responders who belong to a local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) who assist with patient care, including triage, treatment and transportation 
2) Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) who may arrive in an ambulance or in their car. EMTs participate in all aspects of patient care under the direction of a medical officer or incident commander. 
3) Ambulances transport patients from the scene to a hospital or designated helipad. Municipal and/or volunteer services, or private corporations provide this service.
4) Air ambulances transport patients from the scene helipads to a hospital 
5) Firefighters provide initial rescue, medical care if they are trained/assigned to do so. They may arrive on a fire truck or in their own car 
6) Police officers secure the scene and only allow entry to authorized people  
7) Rescue teams may be part of the local fire department or associated with the state, provincial, or federal governments; or may be a private concern
8) Utility Services turn off utilities to prevent further injury or damage
9) Hospitals with ER facilities have an MCI protocol that they initiate when notified of an MCI incident in their community. Some hospitals send doctors to help with the triage, treatment, and transport of injured persons to the hospital.
10) Transportation agencies provide transportation of lightly injured people
11) The media informs the public and keeps people away from the incident area
12) Non-governmental organizations provide assistance with MCIs with trained medical staff, vehicles, individual registration and tracking, temporary shelter, food service, and other important services
such as providing porta potties

Triage Video 2: Smallstorm talks about an MCI, a mass casualty incident, that she says uses Start Triage which she states in her video was developed in 1983 by Hoag Hospital and the Newport Beach, California Fire Department. First responders used it at two well-known incidents, the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building. MCIs now use the NIMS in accordance with the established ICS, a model designed to expand as the incident develops. According to the Mass Casualty Care Committee, convened by the Connecticut EMS Advisory Board (November 16, 2005) the tagging of patients is usually completed in the first 10-15 minutes. Only one or two people are responsible for these assessments. Tagging is completed before the back-up responders are brought in from the staging area, which in this case was the Sandy Hook firehouse. 
Tragedy at SH

The North Central Connecticut EMS Council Management, located in  Hartford, developed MCI Levels as well as the MCI Communications; See the Suggested Scene Organization. The establishment of MCI levels is to automatically trigger operational movement of resources without the CMED communicator needing special authority/direction. In theory, the EMS officer would declare an MCI (level 1-4) and CMED following established protocol on page 4 of the aforementioned manual. Sandy Hook was a level 2 MCI:

Level 2 MCI (21-50 victims)
15 ambulances
3 EMS Supervisors
1 Regional MCI trailer
Consider 1 bus
RED Plan Notification

The Staging Area for the Sandy Hook MCI was the firehouse (Julio Cortez, AP)
Staging Areas: All responding EMS units should go directly to the assigned STAGING AREA and await further instructions. Do not leave the staging area until you are instructed to do so by the Medical Branch Director/Medical Group Supervisor or the direction of North Central CMED. On page 20, it says, regarding the Ambulance Coordinator (AC) that the AC reports to the Patient Transportation Unit Leader, manages the ambulance staging area(s), and dispatches ambulances as requested. The staging area for Sandy Hook was the Sandy Hook Firehouse. On page 23, it states that first responders were to coordinate with the command post for site security, traffic and EMS access, including location of any staging areas. On page 32, it says that the Patient Transportation Unit Leader or Group Supervisor is supposed to report to the Medical Group Supervisor who supervises the Medical Communications Coordinator, to ensure the establishment of communications with hospital(s) and to designate ambulance staging areas. On page 34, it says that the AC is to provide an inventory of medical supplies available in the ambulance staging area for use at the scene.  


Newtown The following information is from the Aurora Fire Department's Preliminary Analysis and is similar to the policies used at Sandy Hook and is typical in all ICS events:
Stage: A term used by responding apparatus to designate the need to stop the apparatus away from the scene in order for the first arriving unit or Incident Commander to determine the course of action needed. Incoming units may be directed to stage away while an investigation is conducted.
Staging: This is a specific location where responding resources will report. Apparatus, crews and resources in the staging area are considered immediately deployable to the emergency scene. This allows the Incident Manager to efficiently assign units where they are most needed in an organized manner thus maintaining unit accountability and avoiding duplication of effort. With staging such an integral part of any large scene, organization of that area is critical. It was NOT, as people have suggested, evidence of egregious anomalies and breaches of protocol.

On page 6 of the North Central Connecticut EMS Council Management manual it states:
SETUP the scene for management of the casualties:
Establish staging.
Identify access and egress routes.
Identify adequate work areas for Triage, Treatment, and Transportation.

SMART triage:
Begin where you are.
Ask anyone who can walk to move to a designated area.
Use SMART Triage tags to mark patients.
Move quickly from patient to patient.
Maintain patient count.
Provide only minimal treatment.
Keep moving!

On page 11 of the North Central Connecticut Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Council Management it says:
Patient Dispersal from the Scene
Patients will be sorted according to SMART Tag criteria of RED/YELLOW/GREEN/BLACK. Upon receiving direction from the Medical Branch Director/Medical Group Supervisor, CMED will contact all area hospitals to determine RED/YELLOW/GREEN capabilities.
Red: Priority 1
Life-threatening but treatable injuries requiring immediate medical attention
Yellow: Priority 2
Potentially serious injuries, but are stable enough to wait a short while for urgent medical treatment

Green: Priority 3
Injuries that can wait for longer periods of time for delayed treatment

Black/Blue: Dead/Expectant
Dead or (expectant still with life signs but injuries are incompatible with survival in austere conditions

Triage 2
Video 2 image is above. She also has a similar image in Video 1, the one that she created.
The following codes are from the Aurora Fire Department's Preliminary Analysis and are similar to the practices used at Sandy Hook, including adjacent staging 
Code Green: This person has an injury but is walking without difficulty, able to follow commands, and has no immediate life threat.
Code Yellow: This person is unable to walk due to injury. Patient is breathing adequately at a rate between 15 and 30 respirations per minute and there is a palpable pulse. (This patient needs to be treated at the hospital but will not die from the injuries sustained in the near future.
Code Red: This person is breathing over 30 respirations per minute—or only starts breathing after repositioning the airway. This person may be breathing; however, there is no palpable radial pulse. This person may be unable to follow simple commands. Any of the above presentations
categorizes this patient as a Red or immediate transport.
Code Black: This Person has massive blunt head, chest or thoracic trauma. No breathing noted with a change in airway position. This person is categorized as deceased on the scene with no further treatment rendered.

Smallstorm agrees that black means deceased but claims that everyone must be taken to the hospital to be pronounced dead. If no one at the crime scene can determine death, there would not be a triage category of "deceased."  See Pronouncement of Death by a Registered Nurse. See also document #2113 here.
No authority Video 2: Smallstorm quoted some un-namen person from an Internet forum: “…the main sticking point is the EMS services did not behave within their normal scope. A mass shooting would have trauma helicopters flying children out one after another while performing CPR the entire way to the hospital and patients would be declared dead at the hospital after extensive measures were taken to try to save lives. I've been in the ER for 5 years and we get ALL code blue patients. We get 80-year old nursing home patients that have not been breathing for 20 minutes with no chance of survival and we perform CPR and necessary medical intervention with the chance that patients may regain a pulse.”  
Red and Yellow Tarps Smallstorm admitted that Sandy Hook was an MCI – Start Triage is used at all MCIs. Start means Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment. She says that they did not use Start Triage at Sandy Hook. The few red and yellow tarps on the ground were empty and they did not bring any bodies out of the school. Of course not, twenty-four people were already dead and beyond the stage of triage in the yellow and red category.
Coversation with EMTs In Video 1 and 2, Smallstorm said she talked to a couple of EMTs who told her that everyone uses Start Triage when there is an MCI. Further, she said they told her, "The police can’t pronounce people dead. We can’t pronounce anyone dead – unless they’re decapitated and it’s totally obvious. We have to take EVERYONE to the hospital. That’s where they pronounce them dead. The police don’t have the authority. WE don’t have the authority." Smallstorm says, according to her un-named sources, that "trauma helicopters" should have been flying children to the hospital. Again, if an EMT cannot pronounce someone dead on the scene, why do the medical practitioners, nationwide, use triage tags that employ the color black for DEAD if those medical practitioners are not allowed to declare anyone dead? Her "information" totally contradicts the policies set by North Central Connecticut EMS Council Management. EMTs handled the shootings at SHES according to the guidelines established in April 2007 by the Connecticut Department of Publish Health.
Triage Tags

Page ten of the Report of the State’s Attorney, stated that there were fifteen children in classroom #8, fourteen were dead and they transported one child from classroom #8 to the Danbury Hospital, who they later pronounced dead. Only one child survived from that classroom. They found five children in classroom #10, four of whom were dead. They transported the surviving child to the hospital, who was pronounced dead. They found eighteen children and six staff members, all deceased, within the school and two children who they pronounced dead at Danbury Hospital. Two other staff members were injured and were treated at nearby hospitals and survived. Who did Smallstorm think they were going to transport in the "trauma helicopters," the eighteen dead children and the six dead staff members?

Again, if first responders or EMTs are not allowed to determine death, as Smallstorm claims, there would be no "deceased" category for them to use when sorting or triaging bodies. See the Triage Tag to the left which came from the Aurora Fire Department's Preliminary Analysis. That standard tag's black category designates that the body is dead and would not be going to any area hospital but rather to the morgue after the police conducted a crime scene investigation of the immediate area around the bodies.
This aerial photo was taken by Julio Cortez, AP

Julio Cortez took the photo to the left showing the firehouse, the staging area. That image was featured in an article by Kristen V. Brown and Ana Ley, of News Times, For many, Sandy Hook school should be razed, published on 12/26/2012. A YouTuber apparently borrowed some footage from the 42-minute Sandy Hook Chopper 12 Footage: Sandy Hook Chopper 12 Footage. Someone extracted and looped a portion of that film, added music and variable video speeds to make it appear that people were aimlessly walking in circles and published it on January 30, 2013. Both Smallstorm and Klein used the first part of that video to "prove" that all of the people were "actors" and were simply milling around with nothing to do. Smallstorm observes that people were not interacting with each other. See the two images from their videos below. People can easily ascertain that it is a looped video. In Smallstorm's video at 54:12 -55:04, one will notice the silver van up in the left go by repeatedly. It seems incredible that Klein and Smallstorm, two experienced video makers, did not notice that the video is very obviously looped. 

Firehouse 2 Firehouse 3
Video 1: at 54:12 -55:04; watch this part and notice the silver van up in the left go by repeatedly; very obvious!
  The creators of We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook perpetuate the idea that people were walking in circles. One can see the very same silver vehicle up in the left-hand corner of that video because they apparently used the same looped video. One may view the silver vehicle in the left-hand corner at 1:55:40-1:55:54 minutes. Are people supposed to believe that manipulated video footage are proof that no one died at Sandy Hook?
David Dees
One of David Dees fabulous creations found here, Dees designed the covers for my three books.

Smallstorm introduces Agenda 21 that globalists developed during the Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992 and suggests that many people had moved to Newtown for strategic reasons. She gives us a few facts about Agenda 21 as if it somehow applied to the shootings at SHES. The first indication that a community is implementing Agenda 21 is a membership in ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), or ICMA (International City/County Management Association). Newtown does not belong to either group. Although Newtown has celebrated Earth Day for the last seven years, it has not signed the Earth Charter. Given the many indications that Agenda 21 is operating in a community, it seems very unlikely that Sandy Hook embraced Agenda 21. Smallstorm provides some illustrations - a 300-pound man would likely break a chair made for a very small child, a plastic fork cannot pierce a coconut and jet fuel fires could not melt the steel frames of the twin towers, all undeniable facts. Then she subtly speculated, “a lightweight like Adam Lanza couldn’t shoot that many people in the time frame and with the weapons he was said to be carrying,” strongly suggesting that it was an undeniable fact, repeating Mark S. Mann's claims.  

The Tragedy Earlier, at about eight minutes into Video 1, Smallstorm reminded people that the incident took place one week before the solstice of the solstices, suggesting the idea of Satanic worship and human sacrifice, thus inviting speculation and perhaps provoking others to travel down that rabbit hole. At about twenty minutes into the video, she introduces the Masonic element when she states that three men ran from the school through the woods towards the Masonic Lodge. Masonry, especially at its top levels, is indeed questionable and can addressed in context, but there is no indication that masonry was a factor in the events at Sandy Hook. In a radio interview she stated that there is a Church of Satan in Sandy Hook. She talks about so many conflicting reports. Again, she said a light-weight 20-year old youth cannot carry all of that equipment and “accurately and consecutively shoot twenty-six people” and "A little target practice with mom does not produce twenty-six victims in five to seven minutes."
Tears Smallstorm then shows a portion of Anderson Cooper's interview of Chris and Lynn McDonnell, an incident that I cover in my book, Screening Sandy Hook, Causes and Consequences. I have no idea about their religious affiliation or the other values that sustain grieving people, I would not presume anything sinister in their behavior. The image to the left is in Video 2. Smallstorm, who does not have any children, gives us a lesson on sadness and tears, the emotional and physical response to which we can all relate. She instructs us on how people should act, look and feel if they have suffered a loss as if they were all exactly alike and as if they collectively, act in the way that she describes. She delivers what is essentially Smallstorm's Standards of Sadness.
Lynn McDonnell Why do some people shift all of this focus on the victims, including Nancy Lanza? They scrutinize their actions, what they were wearing when they arrived to pick up their children, inconsistencies in their hair and in photos. Who did the photo-shopping, if it was done and why? I look somewhat different in every picture that someone takes as do many people. Smallstorm, even questioned photos of Ryan and Adam Lanza. She questioned Ryan's purported hairstyle change. She suggested, without legitimate research, that there might have been only one Lanza son. Questioning  photo possibilities might seem evidentiary to some people but it is insubstantial as proof of anything. Why are some seemingly sincere people questioning the actions or what they claim to be the anomalies of the first responders? Who or what entities would benefit by castigating, making accusations or projecting blame on the families and response agencies and claiming that this whole event was a drill? This appears to be a distraction; who is behind it and when did "they" initiate it? If this is damage control operation, it must involve billions of dollars to create so many distractions.
Robbie Parker Smallstorm referred to Robbie Parker and an out-of-context video that someone who attended his press conference on 12/15/2012, probably took with their cell phone. Whoever shot and put this video on the Internet, within hours of 12/14, implied that Parker was an actor getting into character. Who was this person and what was his/her motives? Was Parker hyperventilating or was he simply attempting to compose himself to talk about the most horrible thing that can happen to a father. Another image below shows him at the same press conference. No one can presume to judge a person's heart or their emotions at a time of loss, particularly when we do not know his/her spiritual or religious feelings about life/death. This video was shot at the church he and his family attended, where he had just met with fellow worshippers who undoubtedly were sharing his and his family's feelings and were attempting to lift him up in order for him to talk about something incredibly painful. People do not express their grief or sorrow in the same way. One may hear Parker's press conference of 12/15 here. He offered his condolences to all the families, even the family of the shooter which says something about his character.
Robbie Parker 2 In Video 1, at about 23:00, Smallstorm claimed that the parents did not "act devastated enough." She said they were strangely complacent, even smiling, showing a whole new kind of grief after the death of their children. She claimed that "Skepticism rang loud and long all across the Internet. How could anyone believe that these parents had lost their six-year olds as they did not act devastated." Perhaps she and her fellow hoaxers were part of the early perception management that provoked skepticism. On 12/14/2013, one person in a video commented on the way that Parker acted prior in his press conference: "It's funny how he expresses that it is OKAY to laugh and to cry at the memory of someone who has passed! It is healthy to cope with grief and experience/express a multitude of emotions - not just happiness or sadness. You can hear that his voice is not very strong and that he seems to be holding back his sadness. I'm not sure what the "conspiracy" is here, that he had a part in killing his daughter? How awful that some people need to make an awful thing even worse by looking for faults in the survivors who are going through more than most could ever imagine, not just the loss of his daughter, but the PUBLIC loss of his daughter and someone whose grief is being analyzed by millions of people!"

Happier Times

These were happier times. Is someone going to claim that this image is photo-shopped in anticipation of 12/14/2012? Did this good family, who some claim are actors, pretend to have a family just for what some individuals would later call a FEMA drill?
Parker's License Again, putting the distracting focus on the families, Smallstorm, evidently lacking research skills, said that she could not find evidence that Robbie Parker was a physician's assistant. However, here is evidence of his occupation:

Robbie Parker's License
Licensee    Robert Knowlden Parker         License Type    Physician Assistant Medical
Business address    NICU Office/Presbyterian Hosp     License Number    PA2010-0055
Business address    1100 Central Ave SE     License Status    Active
Business city state zip     Albuquerque NM 87106     License Date    09/16/2010
Business phone    None    **License Expires    03/01/2013

This information is from Journal of the Bizarre, Was Sandy Hook a Hoax? Part 5: Robbie Parker, January 26, 2013


  Smallstorm's Standards of Sadness
Breslan School The Beslan school hostage crisis (also referred to as the Beslan school siege or Beslan massacre) started September 1, 2004, the first day of the school year, and lasted three days and involved the capture of over 1,100 people as hostages (including 777 children). The 3-day event resulted in the deaths of over 380 people. The crisis began when a group of armed Islamic separatist militants, mostly Ingush and Chechen, occupied School Number One in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia (an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation). Initially, officials reported that 396 people, mostly hostages, were killed during the crisis. By September 7, 2004, Russian officials revised the number of deaths to 334, including 156 children, although close to 200 people remained missing or unidentified. Locals claimed that over 200 of those that terrorists killed had burn marks while more than 100 were burned alive.  
Real Sorrow

School shootings in the United States

 38 school shootings in the 1990s
47 school shootings in the 2000s
school shootings in the 2010s
(not including shootings at universities and other public places)

In three decades, there were 164 separate school shootings in the United States, each of which produced dead bodies. Not included in that number was the Virginia Tech Massacre on April 16, 2007, during which Seung-Hui Cho allegedly shot and killed 33 people, 5 faculty members and 27 students before shooting himself in the head. Yet, video-maker Peter Klein, endorsed by Smallstorm, apparently resorted to another country, Russia, in order to show dead bodies and victims being rescued from a school. Could it be that the American population has sensitivities and laws that prevent the media from showing such scenes?

Saving a Child Klein and Smallstorm wish to demonstrate what they consider normal behavior during and following a school shooting. Yet, they evidently could not find examples in the United States, despite the dozens of mass school shootings, that show what they consider appropriate actions when evaluating first responder protocols, human reactions to the loss of a child or family member, or crime scene photos. 
Real Sorrow Maybe it is just me but I do not see any real tears streaming down this man's face. I recognize that the text says, Actual parent exhibiting signs of grief & loss. How does Klein even know if this was an actual parent, the father of one of the children who may have been killed out of the 1,100 people who were held as hostages. Klein tells us that 380 died but we do not know how many of them were children.  
Actual Dead Body I am really not interested in seeing dead bodies as proof that someone died. Despite the hundreds of people in America who die in car and other kinds of accidents or who are murdered, the media does not publish the images. There are laws in each state that determine what the public is shown. We are so used to seeing violence, killing, blood and death on television that some people feel entitled to see the same kind of violence in the news. Smallstorm, Fetzer and others claim that the victim's families did not display any sadness. The pictures below show otherwise.
Child Acter?
Child actor? I don't think so!
Grief2 Grief3


Grief 11

Sandy Hook School Shooting / Andrew Theodorakis

Older Woman
  Part 3