Eliminating Healthcare Competition
Rockefeller Medical Monopoly
In June 1901, John D. Rockefeller Sr. had founded The Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research, the first such institution in America, dealing with
Rockefeller and others saw unique possibilities in a
pharmaceuticals market. In 1909, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching funded Abraham Flexner’s investigative tour of 155 medical schools in
America and Canada. He concluded that medical education in America was abysmal.
[1] Abraham Flexner
submitted his 364-page report, Medical
Education in the United States and Canada (Carnegie Foundation Bulletin Number
Four), to the Carnegie Foundation, a Rockefeller collaborator, which
published it in 1910. He called for a drastic reform of America’s medical
Flexner emphasized the need for the increasing importance
of the AMA’s Council on Medical Education and its inspection and ratings of
medical schools. However, the Council had to maintain a fragile balance, as the
AMA then only represented a very small percentage of America’s physicians.
[3] He determined
that any instruction that failed to utilize the new progressive drugs to treat
their patients amounted to quackery. AMA officials informed medical schools that
included studies in bioelectric Medicine, Homeopathy or Eastern Medicine that
they would have to discontinue these courses or forfeit their accreditation.
Ultimately, the majority of the schools either closed their doors or adapted.
The purpose of Flexner’s so-called
survey and subsequent report was to create a medical monopoly based on “their
scientific medicine.” Dr. Nancy Banks states, the report did point out many of
the inadequacies of medical education at the time…but from the beginning the
emphasis was placed on pharmacology, radiation, and surgery.”
Members of Congress, always happy to acquiesce to the demands of deep-pocketed
industrialists, readily accepted his recommendations and the alleged need for
“public protection.” Congress decided that the AMA would function as the
ever-vigilant doorkeeper and authorized it to officially approve or disapprove
of any of the nation’s medical schools based on its criteria. In 1906, there
were 160 medical schools in America. By 1920, there were only be eighty-five and
by 1944, there were only sixty-nine. Dr. Nancy T.
Banks said, “Medical schools are experts at psychological conditioning of white
coat repeaters who have been trained by long years of study and chronic fatigue
to engage comfortably in totalitarian behaviors that would be criminal without
the sanction of the state…Enormous iatrogenic mischief and health damage have
been caused by intentionally creating a widespread belief among ordinary people
that they cannot cope with their own illnesses except by calling on the
ministrations of a trained and duly state licensed medical ‘expert.’”
Rockefeller’s General Education Board, part of the
Rockefeller Foundation, controlled the distribution of about $50 million.
Philanthropic grants would stimulate competition among the nation’s medical
schools. Naturally, when schools received foundation funds, they were obligated
to support a certain “scientific” track even if it countered previous proven
methods. AMA members controlled the licensing boards and designed the
examination questions to differentiate students who graduated from
“unscientific” schools.
Further, Dr. Banks stated, “The loss
of faith in the healing power of nature and a dose of common sense has given the
medical and pharmaceutical industries a license to kill…over 100,000 people are
killed on an annual basis by their products…over the last ten years…over a
million died as the consequence of taking a pharmaceutical drug.
Dr. Banks wrote, “Beginning in 1913,
the Rockefeller backed General Education Board gave millions of dollars to
medical schools that disregarded naturopathy, homeopathy and chiropractic or any
non-toxic healing modality in favor of medicine based on the use of surgery,
radiation and especially chemical drugs. Aided by the AMA, a medical monopoly
was created. One of the most cleverly diabolical schemes was the ingenious
marketing technique of training a cadre of unsuspecting physicians as a sales
force for the drugs manufactured by the Rockefeller Trust. The system allows the
doctor to remain aloof from the dirty business of selling while giving him the
special privilege of being able to write prescriptions for nostrums he has been
trained by the very drug companies who manufacture them to prescribe. They are
not meant to cure… (and) have multiple deleterious effects including death. The
effects lead to thousands of deaths a year and untold disabilities.
In 1916, the Rockefeller Foundation started the Johns
Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. By 1922, Columbia, Harvard, and
Yale universities had established schools of public health. Between 1914 and
1933, the Rockefeller Foundation provided $2.6 million to support county health
departments and sponsored medical education reform. The National Tuberculosis
Association promoted TB treatment and prevention. In the 1920s, the National
Consumers League would support maternal and infant health. In the 1930s, the
American Red Cross promoted nutrition programs. In the 1940s and 1950s, the
March of Dimes supported research that spawned the polio vaccine.
In the early 1900s, there were few
local public health boards and no county health departments. In 1910-1911, in
Yakima County, Washington, a county sanitation campaign to control a typhoid
epidemic gained public support and led to the establishment of a permanent
health service, and a local health department on July 1, 1911. At the same time,
the Rockefeller Sanitary Committee began supporting county hookworm eradication
efforts. By 1920, officials had established 131 county health departments and by
1931, there were 599 county health departments to serve one fifth of the
American population. In 1950, eighty-six percent of the American population had
access to a local health department. These public health agencies had 34,895
full-time employees.
Influenza during World War I
Millions of Americans participated in
World War I including Smedley D. Butler who went to France as commander of the
Thirteenth Marines. On September 24, 1918, Butler’s men arrived at Brest, and
although they were Marines, they were placed under the jurisdiction of the U.S.
[11] Butler was promoted
to a Brigadier General on October 7, 1918
[12] and, after two
weeks, Commander General John J. Pershing relocated Butler and his men to the
army debarkation camp at Pontanezen, France, a filthy, 1700-acre
pestilence-infested mud flat where 75,000 American soldiers were crammed
together, forced to share inadequate sanitation facilities.
At least 16,000 of those soldiers were
suffering from influenza. An average of twenty-five soldiers died each day from
that and other diseases. In usual Butler fashion, he turned the camp into a
model of efficiency. His treatment of the troops was admirable – he gave them
double rations of food, an adequate number of blankets and provided them with a
dry sleeping area. He cared more about the men than the regulations he broke to
make them comfortable. He always favored his men, who had very little, if any
power, against their so-called superior officers.
Towards the end of the war, technicians had gathered up all
of the vaccines on the lab shelves and vaccinated every single U.S. soldier, the
first time in history that a government has mandated compulsory inoculations in
the military. This poisonous medical assault, the Schick diphtheria vaccine,
outlawed years before in Austria due to the deaths of several children, killed
more American soldiers than the war. The Austrian government banned the use of
Béla Schick’s vaccine and banished him from the country.
[14] By 1923,
Schick directed the Pediatric Department at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. In
1936, he became a professor at Columbia University. He headed the Pediatric
Department of Beth-El Hospital, Brooklyn (1950-1962). Doctors still use the
Schick test, invented (1910-1911) to determine whether a person is susceptible
to diphtheria.
Despite recruiting propaganda, the
military were and are now underpaid, used as medical guinea pigs, exposed to
death and disease and often abandoned as POWs or MIAs. Butler, torn by what he
witnessed, wrote, “The wounded and maimed pass through Pontanezen, some with
their nervous systems irreparably shattered…Gradually it began to dawn on me to
wonder what on earth these American boys are doing getting wounded and killed
and buried in France.” He began to doubt “the ethics of his chosen calling.”
American Medical Monopoly Association
The AMA, a doctor’s labor union, or perhaps secret society,
established itself as the pharmaceutical industry’s advocate, along with its
products. The two entities formed a symbiotic relationship to exploit the public
and create a customer base for the doctors who, with their handy-dandy drug book
could prescribe the drugs produced by the drug companies. This “unhealthy”
alliance enhanced the physician’s credibility as he was authorized and
knowledgeable on what drugs to prescribe for his patients. The 1938 Food and
Drug Cosmetics Act soon altered the way that the retailing of drugs was handled
in the United States. It mandated that the FDA had to validate the safety, but
not the efficacy, of drugs produced by the industry. The FDA stipulated
individuals could buy certain drugs only with a doctor’s prescription. In 1951,
with the Durham -Humphrey Amendment, most new drugs, such as antibiotics, and
any refills, were only obtainable with a doctor’s prescription which elevated
them to a privileged position. Essentially, physicians, touting the newest or
most effective drugs, became agents for the pharmaceutical companies with the
pharmacists as the intermediaries.
Physicians, supported and licensed by
the AMA, and the drug industry were allies. In 1952, the AMA discontinued
publishing its annual book listing the most useful drugs and began allowing drug
companies to advertise in its journal those drugs approved by the AMA Council on
Pharmacy and Chemistry. By 1957, the AMA decreased the budget for its Council on
Drugs and it, along with its licensed physicians, was now actively working with
the drug companies to stimulate the sales of new drugs. Doctor’s salaries began
to increase dramatically, doubling from 1950 to 1970. Advertisements for drugs
increased the AMA’s revenues from $2.5 million in 1950 to $10 million in 1960.
In 1959, a researcher reviewed the drug advertisements in six medical journals
and discovered that eighty-nine percent of the ads failed to mention any side
effects. The first psychiatric drugs were introduced to a very receptive public
in the 1950s.
The polio vaccine was contaminated
with the deadly carcinogenic SV40 virus which is found in the kidney cells of
the rhesus monkey, the cells that they used to grow the polio virus. In the
mid-20th century, we were told that polio was a major health crisis that took
the lives of over 50,000 people in America. Dr. Jonas Salk developed the
Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine or IPV in 1953 and Dr. Albert Sabin developed the
second polio vaccine, the Oral Polio Vaccine, in 1957. Federal agencies began
mass vaccinations in 1955. Over ninety million people, worldwide, were
vaccinated with the IPV by 1961. Two years later, scientists discovered that it
contained SV40, which could infect and cause cancer in human cells.
American Journal of Medicine reported
that many studies show the evidence of SV40 from the polio vaccine in brain
tumors, bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and other cancers. The FDA, given
the controversy, alerted drug companies that they would not approve of
potentially SV40-contaminated polio vaccines after June 30, 1961. However, the
FDA allowed the drug companies to sell their vaccines for two years after
the June date to save the drug companies from the financial loss on millions of
doses. Some vaccine makers added rabbit anti-SV40 antibodies to their viral
cultures to counteract the simian virus which may not even be effective in
eradicating the SV40. The FDA did not ascertain whether the drug companies
actually destroyed their millions of dollars’ worth of contaminated stocks. The
CDC conceded that about ten to thirty million Americans received the
SV40-contaminated IPV.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman
admitted that Merck’s vaccines were contaminated and he knew that their
vaccinations were producing cancer in the field-trials in Russia involving
millions of people.
Quite possibly, the polio vaccine
itself caused polio epidemics. The infection rate was high in areas where the
people failed to practice good hygiene and sanitation, and where housing and
nutritional standards were sub-standard. Paralysis only occurred in about 0.1
percent of all polio infections. Other symptoms were similar to viral infections
like influenza. Unethical drug companies, promoted by the government and its
pro-vaccine propaganda, simply vaccinated massive segments of the population
because it was profitable. In the United States, following mass vaccination, the
incidence of polio increased by fifty percent between 1957 and 1958, and by
eighty percent from 1958 to 1959. In at least five states, the incidence of
polio doubled after the vaccine operation. When people improved their hygiene
and sanitation, the disease disappeared. These historical facts establish a
causal connection between vaccination and its consequences. A healthy immune
system is the deciding factor in whether an individual becomes ill. Vaccines
destroy the immune system which allows disease to develop. Vaccines do just the
opposite of what their manufacturers’ claim.
Returning to the polio issue, “Live virus vaccines against
paralytic poliomyelitis, for example, may in each instance produce the disease
it is intended to prevent; the live virus vaccines against measles and mumps may
produce such side effects as encephalitis. Both of these problems are due to the
inherent difficulty of controlling live viruses in vivo (after placed in a live
person).” – Jonas and Darrell Salk,
Science, March 4, 1977
In 1977, Dr. Jonas Salk, as noted in
the medical journal Science, admitted
to a senate committee that mass polio vaccinations caused most of the polio
cases throughout the country since 1961. He said, “Live virus vaccines against
influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it intended
to prevent… the live virus against measles and mumps may produce such side
effects as encephalitis (brain damage).” A case of the measles, chickenpox or
scarlet fever usually provides lifelong immunity and a person rarely, if ever,
gets the disease again.
Until 1962, drug companies did not
have to submit proof of the effectiveness of their new drugs to the FDA.
Therefore, it was up to the NIMH to
determine whether Thorazine, a new drug, was safe. In September 1956, the
NIMH convened a conference to “consider carefully the entire psychotropic
question.” Participants addressed the question, “How could psychiatry adapt, for
its own use, a scientific tool that had recently proven its worth in infectious
medicine: the placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical trial?”
The 1963-1974 AMA Committee on
Quackery targeted chiropractors, attempting to discredit them. Many
psychiatrists, who reject chiropractic methods and their non-chemical practices,
belong to the AMA.
[24] This was during the
same period that corporate-sponsored television featured shows such as Dr. Ben
Casey, Dr. Kildare, Marcus Welby, MD and other trust-your-allopathic-doctor
shows. We would never see a television show featuring an alternative doctor who
saves lives using natural methods or a commercial advocating that temporarily
depressed people speak with a therapist. It is all about marketing an often
addictive chemical product.
From 1930 to 1980, cancer mortality
increased from nine per 100,000 to eighty per 100,000 or 900%. Dr. Charles E.
Page, of Boston said, “No conceivable thing could have caused this increase but
the universal blood-poisoning (vaccination) now existing.”
Beginning with the early invasion of
the Philippines and the mandatory vaccine programs, the U.S. military later
decimated Japan, Germany, and Vietnam, followed by the soft invasions of central
and South American countries. In August 1990, the United States military
besieged Iraqi’s electricity production facilities, nuclear reactors, port
facilities, telecommunications equipment, oil refineries and distribution,
railroads and bridges. The Pentagon later admitted in a report on June 23, 1991
that their targets were not limited to military targets but that they
“deliberately did great harm to Iraq’s ability to support itself as an
industrial society.”
[26] Interestingly, the
CDC altered and greatly increased the number of vaccines in its schedule twice,
once in 1991 with the First Gulf War and again in 2001, in conjunction with the
PATRIOT Act and the second invasion of Iraq. Of course, those CDC changes would
affect the US military that were going to be fighting in that war.
the end of the war, Iraq had only four percent of its prewar electricity.
Invading forces had damaged or rendered unusable fifty railroad and highway
bridges between Basra and Baghdad. Bombs destroyed eight multi-purpose dams,
four of the seven pumping stations and thirty-one municipal water and sewerage
facilities, twenty in Baghdad, which resulted in sewage pouring into the Tigris,
Iraqi’s water source. Water purification plants were incapacitated throughout
[27] A UN report from
mid-March described “near apocalyptic” damage to the nation’s infrastructure
which has left the country in a “pre-industrial age.” In addition, “according to
the survey team report, the destruction of 9,000 homes has left some 72,000
Iraqis homeless.”
General Merrill
“Tony” McPeak, Air Force Chief of Staff, declared in a March 15, 1991 briefing
that this war was “the first time in history that a field army has been defeated
by air power.” He estimated that 88,500 (only 7.4 % were precision guided) tons
of bombs had been dropped in 109,876 aircraft sorties. This was more intense
than the 34,000 tons per month during the Vietnam War or the 22,000 tons per
month during the Korean War.
results of the allied bombing campaign were obvious when Dr. David Levenson
After the obliteration of the infrastructure and the
accompanying pollution of the water supply, the UN Security Council then
inflicted strict economic sanctions on Iraq, with Resolution 661, which began
August 6, 1990 and continued until May 22, 2003. Sanctions ended after the
American “shock and awe” invasion on March 19, 2003. Sanctions for over a decade
prohibited the importation of all products and the exportation of products
originating in Iraq or Kuwait. Punitive sanctions critically restricted the
import of the basic essentials to sustain life, which severely effects the most
vulnerable in any society, the children, of which 500,000 perished during that
period. The general mortality rate increased dramatically. The sanctions
predictably deindustrialized what remained of the country, now dependent on
others for agricultural products. The Pentagon admitted that their targets were
not limited to military objectives, indicative of a total war. In a total war,
infrastructure is deliberately destroyed which renders a country incapable of
supporting itself as an industrialized society.
Then there was the US military
invasion of Afghanistan followed by a second invasion of Iraq. The United States
is still in Iraq, once a progressive self-sustaining country whose citizens
enjoyed a high living standard, which is now a desperately impoverished country
whose healthcare system is now non-existent. On April 10, 2014, UNICEF, which
purchases forty percent of the vaccines for third-world or apparently war-torn
countries began a polio vaccine campaign after the discovery of the first
confirmed case of polio. This is actually the second national immunization
campaign, the first one being in March. Marzio Babille, UNICEF’s representative
in Iraq, indicated that the organization wanted to vaccinate every child in Iraq
with the three WHO-recommended doses of the vaccine, especially the “five and
half million children under the age of five.”
One must ask, has the US military and does the US military
continue to invade the world’s countries for various reasons, in order to
establish the WHO and the provably unhealthy western health system which often
replaces more natural, more effective health-enhancing medical modalities. Given
America’s health statistics, shown later in the book, why would anyone willingly
embrace America’s medical protocols. Willingly is the operative word. A sick,
highly-medicated, chemically-lobotomized population is incapable of fighting
tyranny, of retaining and protecting a nation’s natural resources. Many people
believe that the US military invades other countries in order to establish a
central bank and seize intellectual and natural resources. I suggest that it is
also to medically decimate the native population in the name of long-term
guaranteed profits. There are numerous countries that the legitimate, not to
mention the illegitimate drug industry now does business within, including
Japan, China, Vietnam, Germany, and many Middle East countries.
For over six decades, the
pharmaceutical industry has concealed the dangers of vaccinations in the name of
profit. Under normal circumstances, the body’s natural defenses and immune
system neutralize diseases as they enter the body through the nose, mouth skin
or lungs. However, vaccines are injected directly into the bloodstream and
bypass the body’s very effective defense system.
Dr. Viera Scheibner wrote, “The
documented truth is that the incidence of and mortality from any infectious
diseases which used to decimate populations of Europe only some one hundred
years ago declined by up to 90% before any vaccine has ever been used in mass
proportions. Also, diseases, like bubonic plague or scarlet fever disappeared
without any vaccination programs at all. The mortality from the dreaded
diphtheria declined decades before Corynebacterium diphtheria had even been
discovered and isolated.”
[1] Barbara Barzansky and
Norman Gevitz, editors, Beyond Flexner: Medical Education in the
Twentieth Century, Greenwood Press, New York, 1992, p. 1
[2] Henry S. Pritchett,
Medical Education in the United States and Canada, a Report to the
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching by Abraham Flexner,
New York, Bulletin Number Four, 1910, p. 22
[3] Barbara Barzansky and
Norman Gevitz, editors, Beyond Flexner: Medical Education in the
Twentieth Century, Greenwood Press, New York, 1992, pp. 13-14
[4] Nancy Turner Banks, AIDs, Opium,
Diamonds, the Deadly Virus of International Greed, iUniverse, Inc.,
Bloomington, Indiana, 2010, pp. 35-36
[5] Nancy Turner Banks, AIDs, Opium,
Diamonds, the Deadly Virus of International Greed, iUniverse, Inc.,
Bloomington, Indiana, 2010, pp. 35-36
[6] Barbara Barzansky and
Norman Gevitz, editors, Beyond Flexner: Medical Education in the
Twentieth Century, Greenwood Press, New York, 1992, pp. 13-14
[7] Nancy Turner Banks, AIDs, Opium,
Diamonds, the Deadly Virus of International Greed, iUniverse, Inc.,
Bloomington, Indiana, 2010, pp. 35-36
[8] Nancy Turner Banks, AIDs, Opium,
Diamonds, the Deadly Virus of International Greed, iUniverse, Inc.,
Bloomington, Indiana, 2010, pp. 45-46
[9] CDC, Achievements in Public
Health, 1900-1999: Changes in the Public Health System,
December 24,
viewed 5/10/2014
[10] CDC, Achievements in Public
Health, 1900-1999: Changes in the Public Health System,
December 24,
viewed 5/10/2014
[11] Paths to Glory: Medal of Honor
Recipients Smedley Butler and Dan Daly by David T. Zabecki,
[12] Who's Who in Marine Corps
History, http://www.tecom.usmc.mil/HD/Whos_Who/Butler_SD.htm
[13] The Plot to Seize the White
House by Jules Archer, Hawthorne Books, Inc., New York 1973, pp. 77-80
[14] Vaccination Condemned by all
Competent Doctors, Book One by Dr. Eleanor Elben McBean, Better Life
Research, Los Angeles, California, 1981, pp. 41, 45
[15] The Plot to Seize the White
House by Jules Archer, Hawthorne Books, Inc., New York 1973 pp. 77-80
[16] Robert Whitaker,
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic
Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness
in America, Crown Publishing Group, New York, Kindle, 2010, pp.
[17] Robert Whitaker,
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic
Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness
in America, Crown Publishing Group, New York, Kindle, 2010, pp.
[18] Andreas Moritz, Vaccine-nation:
Poisoning the Population, One
Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press, Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011,
pp. 30-32
[19] Andreas Moritz, Vaccine-nation:
Poisoning the Population, One
Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press, Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011,
pp. 30-32
[20] Andreas Moritz, Vaccine-nation:
Poisoning the Population, One
Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press, Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011,
pp. 30-35
[21] Suzanne Humphries, MD., Roman
Bystrianyk, Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten
History, Kindle, 2013, Locations 3040-3043
[22] Andreas Moritz, Vaccine-nation:
Poisoning the Population, One
Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press, Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011,
p. 1
[23] Robert Whitaker,
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic
Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness
in America, Crown Publishing Group, New York, Kindle, 2010, p. 94
[24] Alternative Practitioners
Speak Out, Committee on Quackery Hides Psychotropic Drug Proliferation,
viewed 6/10/2014
[25] Dr. Eleanor Elben McBean,
Vaccination Condemned by all Competent Doctors, Book One, Better Life
Research, Los Angeles, California, 1981, p. 5
Barton Gellman,
Allied Air War Struck Broadly in Iraq, Washington Post, June 23,
viewed 7/28/2014
[27] Article 54 of the Geneva
Convention states: “It is prohibited to attack, destroy or render
useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian
population” and includes foodstuffs, livestock and “drinking water
supplies and irrigation works,”
Felicity Arbuthnot, Allies Deliberately Poisoned Iraq
Public Water Supply In Gulf War, September 17, 2000,
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/091700-01.htm, viewed
Felicity Arbuthnot,
Allies Deliberately Poisoned Iraq Public Water Supply In Gulf
War, September 17, 2000,
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/091700-01.htm, viewed
Felicity Arbuthnot,
Allies Deliberately Poisoned Iraq Public Water Supply In Gulf
War, September 17, 2000,
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/091700-01.htm, viewed
Felicity Arbuthnot,
Allies Deliberately Poisoned Iraq Public Water Supply In Gulf
War, September 17, 2000,
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/091700-01.htm, viewed
Barton Gellman,
Allied Air War Struck Broadly in Iraq, Washington Post, June 23,
viewed 7/28/2014
Louise Redvers,
Vaccines alone cannot beat
polio in Iraq,
viewed 7/28/2014
James King, Vaccinations – The
$24 Billion Industry, What are vaccinations, or immunizations? December
9, 2011,
viewed 8/20/2014
[34] Viera Scheibner ph. D,
Vaccination, 100 years of
Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the
Immune System, Australian Print Group, Maryborough, Victoria,
Australia, 1993, Introduction, p. xvii