God Did NOT Goof!
(How Humans Became Vehicles for Pofit)

Currently at least 880,000 who are killed by government-licensed killers referred to as doctors. Please view Death by Medicine by Gary Null. We are currently living in what is quickly becoming a medical dictatorship with mandatory medical procedures. This is unconscionable in a country that has numerous regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect us. Nope, they protect the corporations. The US government, according to their own statutes can conduct biological testing on the residents: 50 U.S. Code Chapter 32, Chemical and Biological Warfare Program; 50 U.S. Code & 1520a - Restriction on use of human subjects for testing of chemicl or biological agents; 50 U.S. Code & 1524 - Agreements to provide support to vaccination programs of Department of Health and Human Services; (This last part means that the government can suspend the restrictions any time that war is declared (since 9/11, the U.S. has declared war on a tactic - war on terror) Currently, there are no restrictions. Therefore, the president, with all of these biological weapons and certain government agencies, like the CDC, can disseminate biologics upon the public without any regulation on their use except international law and the Lieber Code. The citizens have no rights and protections and are financially considered no better than livestock.) Currently, government agencies are spraying the population with something that is supposed to kill mosquitoes to halt the Zika virus. Instead, it is killing millionf of bees, those precious insects that pollinate our fruits and vegetables.
50 U.S. Code & 1515 - Suspension; Presidential authorization; also see The CDC Medical Police State: the Right to Detain Anyone; and ALERT: U.S. CDC Giving Itself Unconstitutional Powers to Round UP and Detain Citizens En Masse Anytime, Anywhere and Throw Away the Key

The Sub-Standard of Care
(this is an abbreviated version of a chapter from my Sandy Hook book)

Webster’s Medical Dictionary provides two definitions for Standard of Care: 1) a diagnostic and treatment process that a clinician should follow for a certain type of patient, illness, or clinical circumstance; 2) In legal terms, the level at which the average, prudent provider in a given community would practice. [1] The Standard of Care was devised by the hospitals, the inusrance companies and the pharmaceutical companies. Big pharma also instructs students in medical schools and provides continuing education for doctors.

A medication algorithm is a comprehensive, step-by-step flowchart that physicians access to select what drugs to prescribe according to a patient’s symptoms. This algorithm obligates all licensed doctors, including psychiatrists, to abide by a specific Standard of Care.
[2] Regarding psych drugs, physicians, without performing any biological tests, may refer to the DSM to select one or more diagnoses, according to the patient’s request or “feelings.” Then the doctor selects a psychiatric medication to prescribe. As the inevitable side effects appear, he/she may prescribe additional drugs. Side effects are not really “side” effects but are really the drug’s effects. Pharmacists and the industry refer to “side” effects as if they are happenstance and uncommon.

Drug company executives surely are fully cognizant of the dangerous side effects of their drugs but release them anyway. The profits more than compensate for the potential law suits. In one example, tens of thousands of people developed cardiovascular disease from one company’s product, a COX-2 inhibiting drug, which, according to the FDA, killed 55,000 people.

Warfarin, which is tasteless and colorless, was initially used as a rat poison which killed rats by blocking their capacity to form blood clots, causing them to bleed to death. After 1951, drug firms marketed warfarin as a therapeutic anticoagulant under the names
Coumadin, Jantoven, Marevan, and Uniwarfin. The distinguishing difference between a poison and a medication is the dosage. Health care personnel must carefully monitor a patient by blood testing to measure the blood-clotting time to ensure that the amount of the drug is adequate yet safe. [4]

Dr. Jennifer Daniels maintains that what we typically call side effects are not just “side” effects but the calculated “effects” of the drug, a few of which are cited on the package inserts. Potential effects do not impact everyone in the same way. Some “side effects” linger in the body for years, such as the polio vaccine. Most of the people who developed polio had received the polio vaccine. Vaccines bypass the natural filtering safe guards such as the nose, tonsils, appendix, lungs, stomach and skin. Doctors inject vaccines directly into the body to be picked up by the capillaries which then goes into straight into the blood stream.

Dr. Daniels explains, in her book,
The Lethal Dose, Murder by Medicine is No Accident, that the lethal dose is pertinent to all those individuals who prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to patients. Medical schools call the lethal or median dose, LD50 which means that fifty percent of a test population, who take that particular dose will die. [5] LCt50 (lethal concentration and time) of a toxin, radiation, or pathogen is the dose required to kill half the members of a test population after a specified test duration. [6]

Drug manufacturers anticipate that people, including busy doctors, will not read the package insert. Patients trust their doctor and assume that the FDA has deemed the product’s safety. Clinical research shows that St John’s wart is more effective than SSRI medicines without the harmful effects. Sidney Taurel, president of Eli Lilly said that medicines have absolutely no effect on fifty percent of the users. He admitted this before a live audience on a large stage in Florida. “In fact,” he said, “the average across all drugs is about fifty percent efficacy. And for the fifty percent of the patients who essentially get little or no benefit, whatever they spend is wasted money.” With psych drugs, the SSRIs like Prozac are useless, expensive and extremely dangerous. It is essentially Russian roulette for the patient. The only benefactor is the drug industry which makes billions of dollars.

Regarding psych drugs, all biological psychiatric treatments disrupt the brain’s performance. Hopeful people frequently misinterpret whatever effects they perceive as progression. Once a person is diagnosed and medicated, even relatives seem incapable of distinguishing bad, often lethal drug reactions from “disease” symptoms. When the patient thinks he/she is improving, he/she might actually be getting worse and developing other symptoms, “and in the extreme, drives them into compulsive activities that harm themselves and others.”

Pharmacologists refer to the “drug’s therapeutic index, the dosage ratio between the beneficial effect and the toxic effect. The first brain-disabling principle of psychiatric treatment reveals that the toxic dose is the therapeutic dose—that brain disability causes the seemingly therapeutic effect…that as soon as toxicity is reached, the drug begins to have a psychoactive effect…without toxicity, the drug would have no psychoactive effect.” Psychiatric drugs are neurotoxic. “They poison neurons, and sometimes destroy them.” These drugs cause generalized brain dysfunction and might produce emotional dullness, lethargy, or fatigue. They impair “higher human functions, including emotional responsiveness, social sensitivity, self-awareness or self-insight, autonomy, and self-determination. More drastic effects include apathy, euphoria and mania, and lobotomy-like indifference.”
[9] Under the influence of psychiatric drugs, the individual lacks awareness of both drug-induced mental dysfunction and his or her psychological problems. This dual impact is one of the main reasons why people persist in taking psychoactive agents, including prescription psychiatric drugs.” [10]

Adverse drug reactions are the nation’s leading cause of death. Between 1975 and 1999, the FDA approved 548 new drugs. During that period, there have been numerous drug label changes, which also appeared in the Physician’s Desk Reference. Twenty percent of those 548 drugs required “subsequent black box warnings” due to “life threatening drug reactions.” Manufacturers withdrew sixteen drugs from the market because they were too lethal.
[11] Often people report adverse reactions but FDA officials fail to make any recommendation to the companies involved and the drug firms neglect to either warn the public or withdraw the drug from the market. [12]

The only way that people acquire a biochemical imbalance in their brains is by ingesting psychiatric drugs or through electroshock. “Psychiatric drugs don’t correct biochemical imbalances —they cause them.” The Textbook of Psychiatry, published by the APA, concedes that “antidepressant-induced biochemical imbalances may be the cause of the increased suicidality produced by these drugs.” The drug industry develops psychiatric drugs for the exclusive purpose of causing biochemical imbalances in the normal brain. [13]

By following the Standard of Care, which evidently includes a code of silence, the instructions for drug dissemination, doctors may conceivably do a great deal of harm and even kill his or her patients but as long as they adhere to the Standard of Care, they are not usually libel for criminal prosecution. The FDA, after numerous complaints about a drug, asks that the offending company conduct a “special mailing” a Dear Doctor letter (DDL) to inform the practitioners of the precautions they should take. [14] The FDA and the drug companies use DDLs to warn physicians about drug safety concerns. It typically does not convey the most crucial information but often causes “more problems and confusion.” The FDA uses the letters instead of “trying to force regulations on drug companies.” [15]

The drug companies, collaborating with the FDA, are the main architects of the Standard of Care. Doctors acquire these “instructions” by mail, through continuing education conferences and textbooks. If a doctor fails to abide by the Standard of Care, he may lose hospital privileges. A doctor who ignores the Standard of Care is also subject to a malpractice suit. If he “fails to prescribe the lethal dose,” he may be prosecuted for not adhering to the Standard of Care.

If a doctor fails to comply with the Standard of Care, insurance companies will not pay him for his services and the licensing board may revoke his license. Even if a drug is dangerous and largely ineffective, a doctor is obliged to prescribe it once the FDA has approved it. The drug makers establish the dosage for each “disease,” and the insurance companies and hospitals implement and augment the Standard of Care, all of which want to maximize their profits. Insurance companies write the contracts that Doctors must sign. A doctor, who the patient inevitably trusts, is not at liberty to design a program that actually cures the patient. In fact, the Standard of Care prohibits doctors from even using the word “cure” because they are compelled to dispense chemical concoctions that allegedly alleviate the disease symptoms rather than eliminate disease. [17] While many patients die, like those with cancer that is not the objective, any more than it is to cure them. The drug companies seek lifetime customers, which maximizes their profits.

From 1970 to 1990, in America, cancer was a highly profitable disease – about $1,000,000,000,000 including treatment centers, chemo drug sales and other therapies. Allopathic medicine has expended very little money on effective cures. Rather, it has concealed numerous cures. President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act on December 23, 1971, declaring a War on Cancer, which strengthened and gave credit to the National Cancer Institute. The cancer industry is now worth six times that amount, with no cure in sight, just failing treatments – slash, burn and poison, which have a three percent success rate.

Andreas Moritz wrote, “One of the AMA’s stated objectives and obligations is to protect the income of its members (medical doctors). The biggest income of AMA members is generated by treating cancer patients. On the average, every cancer patient is worth $50,000. If ever a cancer cure were officially recognized in this country (USA), it would threaten the income and livelihood of AMA members. The bylaws of the AMA practically prohibit the promotion of a cure for cancer.” [19] In 1900, only one in 8,000 individuals suffered from cancer,” as compared to today’s rate of one out of every two people. [20] Although only two to four percent of cancers respond to chemotherapy, it is the Standard of Care and seventy-five percent of cancer patients receive chemotherapy. [21]

In 2000, a presidential task force revealed that medical errors constitute a “national problem of epidemic proportions.” The group determined that the “cost associated of these errors in lost income, disability, and health care costs is as much as $29 million annually.” Just in the United States, there is one death every 3-5 minutes caused by the side effects of prescribed FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs. That is about five times as many as the people who die from illegal drugs. More people die in the United States, each and every year because of medical mistakes than by AIDS, breast cancer, or highway accidents. About nine percent of all hospital patients suffer a major or fatal complication related to their care. Fourteen percent of those who die of cardiac arrest perish because of an iatrogenic event.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) “estimates that between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans die each year from medical errors. Many more die or have permanent disability because of inappropriate treatments, mistreatments, or missed treatments in ambulatory settings. Studies have found that as much as $300 billion is spent each year on health care that does not improve patient outcomes – treatment that is unnecessary, inappropriate, inefficient, or ineffective.” [23]

We often hear that America has the greatest health care system in the world. That is only true in the sense that Americans spend more money on health care and pharmaceutical drugs than any other country in the world but the fact is that America has one of the worst health records. Though Americans consume more drugs and see more doctors, they are the least healthy. According to 2014 estimates, America’s infant mortality rate (IMR) is higher than more than fifty-five other countries. The World Fact Book states, the “infant mortality rate compares the number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in the same year. This rate is often used as an indicator of the level of health in a country.” [24]

Andrew G. Robbins maintains that there is “a plague of cataclysmic proportions” which kills about 800,000 Americans each year. It is not AIDS, cancer, heart disease, terrorism or communism. Robbins calls it Iatrogenic Disease and cites Dr. William Boyd, author of
Boyd’s Pathology, who explained, “In fear of the public, we seek refuge in a mystic word, iatrogenic, trusting that the patient will not consult a medical dictionary and find that ‘iatros’ is Greek for physician, and ‘genetic’ means caused by. Unfortunately, what is powerful for good may also be potent for evil.” Physician-generated illness is the nation’s leading killer, even more than cancer and heart disease and accounts for thirty-six percent of all hospital admissions. Physicians cause iatrogenic disease by over-prescribing medications, performing too many needless and precarious surgeries instead of allowing the body to naturally heal itself. [25]

In 2008, expenditures on health care accounted for 16% of the GDP and are expected to rise to $4.2 trillion in 2016 or 20% of GDP…The FDA has been accused of running an extortion racket against the natural products market…cherries ease inflammation in humans…At the same time that the FDA was harassing cherry farmers, it was approving the Merck drug Vioxx that led directly to 100,000 heart attacks and to 55,000 deaths.” [26] Merck knew about the increased risk of a heart attack from its clinical trials but still aggressively marketed the product. On September 30, 2004, after numerous damaging law suits, Merck pulled Vioxx from the market. [27]

There are 700,000 allopathic physicians practicing in America where there are about 120,000 accidental doctor-related deaths annually which accounts for 0.171 deaths per doctor. In comparison, there are eighty million gun owners in America. Annually, there are 1,500 accidental gun-related deaths, or 0.0000188 deaths per gun owner. It is 9,000 times more likely that a person will be killed by a doctor than by a gun owner. If one also factors in the people who perish from adverse drug reactions (ADRs), properly-administered, at least 106,000 people, then the numbers are even higher. This is according to the
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), which found that 2.2 million patients suffer preventable adverse reactions to drugs every year. We never hear about or participate in protests against the medical profession. One cannot say the same thing about protests against guns, especially after a well-publicized shooting. [28]

Those 2.2 million in-hospital adverse reactions include the 106,000 patients who perish. According to Dr. Richard Besser of the CDC, healthcare professionals prescribe twenty million unnecessary antibiotics per year. Doctors perform 7.5 million unnecessary procedures per year. Healthcare workers admit 8.9 million patients to unnecessary hospitalization per year. Conventional medicine is responsible for at least 783,936 iatrogenic deaths per year making government-approved allopathic medicine America’s “leading cause of death,” costing billions of dollars. The Institute of Medicine’s annual medical errors of 98,000 increases the total. Those figures are just for one year. Given the gruesome statistics, AMA should connote American Murder Association rather than the American Medical Association. Who is monitoring the medics; it certainly is NOT the FDA.

By 2003, Americans were spending $1.6 trillion on healthcare, fourteen percent of the nation’s GNP. Yet, the United States is one of the unhealthiest countries. In the same year, a study showed that almost fifty percent of medical school faculty functioned on institutional review boards and as consultants to the pharmaceutical industry.

[1] Definition of Standard of Care, http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=33263, viewed 5/18/2014

[2] Kelly Patricia O’Meara Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills That Kill, AuthorHouse, Bloomington, Indiana, Kindle, 2006, Locations 2866-2868

[3] Andrew G. Robbins, Licensed to Kill: The Growing Epidemics of Iatrogenic Disease and Bureaucratic Madness, Author House, Bloomington, Indiana, Kindle, 2006, Locations 610-615

[4] Thomas J. Moore, Deadly Medicine, Why Tens of Thousands of Heart Patients Died in America’s Worst Drug Disaster, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1995, pp. 104-105

[5] Jennifer Daniels, The Lethal Dose, Murder By Medicine is No Accident,  Everyday Vitality, Kindle, 2013, Locations 62-63

[6] What is a LD50 and LC50?, http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/ld50.html, viewed 5/23/2014

[7] John Virapen, Side Effects: Death - Confessions of a Pharma-Insider, Virtualbookworm.com Publishing, College Station, Texas, Kindle, 2010, pp. 120-121

[8] Peter R. Breggin, Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Springer Publishing, New York, Kindle, 2007, pp. 1-4

[9] Peter R. Breggin, Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Springer Publishing, New York, Kindle, 2007, pp. 1-4

[10] Peter R. Breggin MD, Medication Madness: A Psychiatrist Exposes the Dangers of Mood-Altering Medications, St. Martin's Press, New York, Kindle, 2008, pp. 27-28

[11] Allen Jones, Internet by the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, January 20, 2004, pp. 38, http://psychrights.org, viewed 4/19/2014

[12] Allen Jones, Internet by the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, January 20, 2004, p. 17, http://psychrights.org, viewed 4/19/2014

[13] Peter R. Breggin MD, Medication Madness: A Psychiatrist Exposes the Dangers of Mood-Altering Medications, St. Martin's Press, New York, Kindle, 2008, pp. 269-270

[14] Jennifer Daniels, The Lethal Dose, Murder By Medicine is No Accident,  Everyday Vitality, Kindle, 2013, Locations 93-98

[15] What Is a Dear Doctor Letter? http://www.druginjurylawyer.com/what-dear-doctor-letter.html, viewed 5/20/2014

[16] Jennifer Daniels, The Lethal Dose, Murder By Medicine is No Accident,  Everyday Vitality, Kindle, 2013, Locations 120-127

[17] Jennifer Daniels, The Lethal Dose, Murder By Medicine is No Accident,  Everyday Vitality, Kindle, 2013, Locations 135-142

[18] Barry Groves, Trick and Treat: how 'health eating' is making us ill, Hammersmith Books Limited, London, Kindle, 2008, Locations 1102-1109

[19] Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism, Ener-chi Wellness Press, Kindle, 2009, Locations 606-609

[20] Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism, Ener-chi Wellness Press, Kindle, 2009, Locations 1052-1053

[21] Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism, Ener-chi Wellness Press, Kindle, 2009, Locations 493-494

[22] Andrew G. Robbins, Licensed to Kill: The Growing Epidemics of Iatrogenic Disease and Bureaucratic Madness, Author House, Bloomington, Indiana, Kindle, 2006, Locations 126-134

[23] George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, January 20, 2004, Transforming Health Care: The President’s Health Information Technology Plan, “By computerizing health records, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care,” http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/infocus/technology/economic_policy200404/chap3.html, viewed 6/5/2014

[24] Country ComparisonInfant mortality rate, CIA World Fact Book, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2091rank.html, viewed 6/9/2014

[25] Andrew G. Robbins, Licensed to Kill: The Growing Epidemics of Iatrogenic Disease and Bureaucratic Madness, Author House, Bloomington, Indiana, Kindle, 2006, Locations 116-126

[26] Nancy Turner Banks, AIDs, Opium, Diamonds, the Deadly Virus of International Greed, iUniverse, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana, 2010, pp. 41-42

[27] Beasley Allen Law Firm, Vioxx Plaintiffs seek Mistrial after Allegation on Merck Study, December 10, 2005, http://www.beasleyallen.com/news/vioxx-plaintiffs-seek-mistrial-after-allegation-on-merck-study/, viewed 5/10/2014

[28] Andrew G. Robbins, Licensed to Kill: The Growing Epidemics of Iatrogenic Disease and Bureaucratic Madness, Author House, Bloomington, Indiana, Kindle, 2006, Locations 138-149

[29] Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD, Death by Medicine, http://www.webdc.com/pdfs/deathbymedicine.pdf, viewed 4/20/2013

[30] Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD, Death by Medicine, http://www.webdc.com/pdfs/deathbymedicine.pdf, viewed 4/20/2013